Open a database connection. After the call to open() you must not call Dexie.version() anymore. By default, will be called automatically on first query to the db.
This method is only needed if one of the following are true:
You've created Dexie with options { autoOpen: false }
You've called db.close() or db.delete() on the same instance.
When open is called, your Dexie instance start interacting with the backend indexedDB code. In case upgrade is needed, your registered stores will be created or modified accordingly and any registered upgrader function will run. When all is finished the return Promise instance will resolve and any pending db operation you have initiated after the call to open() will resume. In case an error occur, the returned Promise will reject and any pending db operation will resume and fail too.
Dynamic Mode
If db.version() was never called prior to calling, the database will open in dynamic mode. This means that it will adapt to the current installed version.
This samples shows how to open a database with a specified version.
var db =newDexie("FriendDatabase");db.version(1).stores({friends:"++id,name,age,isCloseFriend"}); (function (err) {console.error('Failed to open db: '+ (err.stack || err));});// Even though open() is asynchronous,// you can already now start interact with the database.// The operations will be pending until open() completes.// If open() succeeds, the operations below will resume.// If open() fails, the below operations below will fail and// their catch() blocks be called.db.friends.add({name:"Josephine", age:21, isCloseFriend:true}).then(function(){db.friends.where("name").equalsIgnoreCase("josephine").each(function(friend) {console.log("Found close friend: "+JSON.stringify(friend)); });}).catch(function (e) {// Something failed. It may be already in the open() call.console.error (e.stack || e);});
Sample (Dynamic Mode)
This sample shows how to open a database without specifying version.
let db =awaitnewDexie("FriendDatabase").open();console.log("Version",db.verno);console.log("Tables",{name, schema}) => ({ name, schema}));
Dynamic Schema Manipulation
To change schema when using dynamic mode, you will have to close the database, define a new version and reopen it. This may take a while as any ongoing transaction will have to be waited for before the upgrade takes place.
asyncfunctionchangeSchema(db, schemaChanges) {db.close();constnewDb=newDexie(;newDb.on('blocked', ()=>false); // Silence console warning of blocked event.// Workaround: If DB is empty from tables, it needs to be recreatedif (db.tables.length===0) {awaitdb.delete();newDb.version(1).stores(schemaChanges);; }// Extract current schema in dexie format:constcurrentSchema=db.tables.reduce((result,{name, schema}) => { result[name] = [schema.primKey.src, =>idx.src) ].join(',');return result; }, {});console.log("Version: "+db.verno);console.log("Current Schema: ", currentSchema);// Tell Dexie about current schema:newDb.version(db.verno).stores(currentSchema);// Tell Dexie about next schema:newDb.version(db.verno +1).stores(schemaChanges);// Upgrade; }// Open database dynamically:asyncfunctionplayAround() {let db =newDexie ('FriendsDatabase2');if (!(awaitDexie.exists( {console.log("Db does not exist");db.version(1).stores({}); };console.log("Could open DB")// Add a table with some indexes: db =awaitchangeSchema(db, {friends:'id, name'});console.log("Could enforce friends table with id and name")// Add another index in the friends table db =awaitchangeSchema(db, {friends:'id, name, age'});console.log("Could add the age index")// Remove the age index again: db =awaitchangeSchema(db, {friends:'id, name'})console.log("Could remove age index")// Remove the friends table db =awaitchangeSchema(db, {friends:null});console.log("Could delete friends table")}playAround().catch(err =>console.error(err));