Derived Work
As a response to this post, I hereby start a list of known addons, adapters and other derived work.
Did you write something based on Dexie? Feel free to list it here.
Usage stats
Dexie.js is in's listing of 30 most used JS libraries
Products That Use Dexie (what we know of...)
WhatsApp - The market leader chat app use Dexie for storage in its KaiOs and Web clients.
To-ToDo - The best To-Do app ever - Based on Dexie and Dexie Cloud
Microsoft TODO - The new app to replace the popular Microsoft-aquired Wunderlist.
Github Desktop - Github's own electron based desktop client.
FlightRadar24 - Live air traffic.
Minbrowser - "A smarter browser" - browse without distractions
Wire - An end-to-end encrypted chat application.
Medical Physics Quality Assurance Tool -- Built with Typescript2, Angular2, Dexie2, Bokehjs, on GitHub Pages (Client) and Heroku (RestAPI). Source Code.
Memex - Open source browser extension providing full-text search on bookmarks and history.
Known Addons
dexie-encrypted Easily add encryption to all non-indexed properties
dexie-easy-encrypt Unopinionated encryption middleware with less complexity that let you provide your own encrypt() / decrypt() functions.
dexie-relationships Declare and query data with foreign keys
Dexie-mongoify MongoDB style API for Dexie
dexie-batch Fetch DB entries in batches to improve performance
Known Adapters
sync-client A batteries-included Dexie with sync built-in
sync-server A backend for sync_client
vue-idb - IndexedDB wrapper for Vuejs based on Dexie